Supervisory Activities

ERSE carries out  surveillance and inspection activities on companies subject to its regulation and oversight - namely network operators and other regulated infrastructures and energy suppliers - as regards matters falling within its powers.

These actions may be triggered, regardless of prior appointment, for the purpose of investigating complaints that have been brought to the attention of this Authority.

Checks and inspections are a way of monitoring the practices followed by regulated operators, allowing ERSE to fulfil, among others, the following objectives:

  • To ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to its regulated operators
  • To ensure compliance with ERSE’s instructions and decisions
  • To better support the consolidation of regulated tariffs’ allowed revenues
  • To check compliance, on the part of agents in regulated sectors, with public service obligations
  • To monitor fulfilment of quality of service standards
  • To act following consumer complaints

The monitoring of compliance with rules subject to ERSE’s surveillance is carried out by ERSE’s own means or by duly accredited qualified entities with high levels of quality and independence criteria, and comprises activities carried out on site or off site. ERSE collects data and other elements from operators; it promotes visits to sites; carries out technical tests; programmed or extraordinary audits and inspections, many of which support the definition of allowed revenues through the application of regulated tariffs. Some of the inspections conducted involve sensitive and confidential information.

Sector Type Object Company

ElectricidadeGás Natural


Compliance regarding the obligation to inform customers trough the websites

72 entities (suppliers, suppliers of last resort (SLR), distribution system operators (DSO))



Verification of the obligatory exclusivity of stores' operation and evaluation of the nature of used resources

S.U. Eletricidade, S.A.



Verification of the obligatory exclusivity of stores' operation and evaluation of the nature of used resources

E-Redes - Distribuição de Eletricidade, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Fuel oil quality and supply of Victória thermal plant EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection

Legal, regulated and availability requirements of Tejo Energia coal thermal plant

Tejo Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Nature and structure of operation costs REN Trading, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2020 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service Lisboagás GDL - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural
Sector Type Object Company
Gás Natural Audit Intragroup operations of Galp Energia group Galp Energia group
Electricidade Audit

Low voltage assets that entered exploration, and were writed-off in 2017

E-Redes - Distribuição de Eletricidade, S.A
Gás Natural Audit Intragroup operations of Dourogás group Sonorgás, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2019 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2018 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Conversion and reconversion procedures REN Portgás Distribuição, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Inspection Special regime producers billing EDP Serviço Universal, S.A.
ElectricidadeGás Natural Inspection Costs and Assets Transfer Process to Logistics Operator for Switching Suppliers EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A. and REN Gasodutos, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Acquisitions and disposals of real estate to the concession of high and medium voltage

EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.

Electricidade Inspection Suppliers Billing Process EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit Information provided under the switching suppliers EDP Gás Distribuição, S.A. and REN Portgás Distribuição, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2017 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Gás Natural Audit Buying and Selling of natural gas Procedures Tagusgás - Empresa de Gás do Vale do Tejo, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2016 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Gás Natural Audit Suppliers' item balance Tagusgás - Empresa de Gás do Vale do Tejo, S.A
Gás Natural Inspection Buying and Selling of natural gas Procedures Tagusgás - Empresa de Gás do Vale do Tejo, S.A
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2015 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Monitoring of relations between regulated and unregulated group companies Grupo REN
Electricidade Audit Monitoring of relations between regulated and unregulated group companies Grupo EDP
Electricidade Audit Quality of service REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDA- Eletricidade dos Açores, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit Procedures management of switching suppliers REN Gasodutos, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2014 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit Social Rate Assignments Galp Power, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Social Rate Assignment EDP Comercial - Comercialização de Energia, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Investments at reference costs for 2013 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Incentive to keep end-of-life equipment operating REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Procedures management of switching suppliers EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Multi-tariff measuring equipment EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A. and EDA- Electricidade dos Açores, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Investments at standard costs for 2012 REN - Rede Elétrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service-customer centres and treatment of complains Grupo Galp Energia (Lusitaniagás)
Electricidade Inspection Quality of service-customer centres and treatment of complains Endesa - Comercialização de Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A. 
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Serviço Universal, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Beiragás - Companhia de Gás das Beiras, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Dianagás - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural do Douro, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Duriensegás - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural do Douro, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Lisboagás – Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural de Lisboa, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Lusitaniagás – Companhia de Gás do Centro, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Medigás - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural do Algarve, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Paxgás - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural de Beja, S.A.
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Setgás - Sociedade de Distribuição de Gás Natural, S.A
Gás Natural Audit System evaluation and procedures of collect and send information within switching suppliers Tagusgás - Empresa de Gás do Vale do Tejo, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Serviço Universal, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Endesa Energia, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Grupo Galp Energia (Lusitaniagás – Companhia de Gás do Centro, S.A)
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Investments at standard costs for 2011 REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Sonorgás, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Duriensegás - Sociedade Distribuidora de Gás Natural do Douro, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Tagusgás - Empresa de Gás do Vale do Tejo, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Investments at standard costs for 2010 REN - Rede Elétrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Investments at standard costs for 2009 REN - Rede Elétrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDA - Eletricidade dos Açores, E.P.
Electricidade Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints CEVE - Cooperativa Eléctrica de Vale D’Este, C.R.L.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints EDP Gás Serviço Universal, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints EDP Gás Distribuição - Energia, S.A.


Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Audit Process of switching suppliers EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - customer centres and treatment of complaints Setgás - Sociedade de Distribuição de Gás Natural, S.A
Gás Natural Inspection Quality of service - call centres Grupo Galp Energia (Setgás - Sociedade de Distribuição de Gás Natural, S.A)
Electricidade Audit Measurement, Reading and Data Availability Guide EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Sector Type Object Company
Electricidade Inspection Treatment of complaints EEM - Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.
Electricidade Inspection Treatment of complaints EDP Serviço Universal, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A.
Electricidade Audit Quality of service EDP Serviço Universal, S.A.